$500 We will license a single aircraft to use our STC without selling parts. If your aircraft is not on our AML, or you want to get the installation approved by your regulator prior to installing a kit, this could be an option for you. This includes an installation drawing, ICA, Moving a PATH tow hook from one aircraft to another? Existing kit customers can get a new license for a different aircraft with return of the original license agreement and proof of a logbook entry stating the kit was removed and license transferred for a reduced amount.
$1,799.70 STC-approved tow hook installation kit for Cessna 180, 185, and others. See AML for full list. This complete kit is for banner towing. It features our improved tow hook which is designed to maximize safety when operating while towing and has better release capabilities than other older models. Price is for kit that includes bolt-on tow hook without bumper(6029 hook); pricing with bumper (6030 hook is 1914.70). Our parts are manufactured under FAA PMA.
$1,632.16 STC-approved tow hook installation kit for Aeronca 7AC, 7ACA, 7DC, 7EC, 7FC, 7GC, 7HC, 7JC, 7KC, and others. See AML for full list. This complete kit features our improved tow hook which is designed to maximize safety when operating while towing and has better release capabilities than Schweizer 1D112. Price is for kit that includes bolt-on tow hook without bumper (6029 hook); price for hook with bumper, (6030 hook,) is $1,747.16 . Our parts are manufactured under FAA PMA.
$1,815.28 STC-approved tow hook installation kit for Cessna 150, 152, 172, 175, 182, 210, and others. See AML for full list. This complete kit is for banner towing. It features our improved tow hook which is designed to maximize safety when operating while towing and has better release capabilities than other older models. Price is for kit that includes bolt-on tow hook without bumper (6029 hook); pricing with bumper (6030 hook) is $1,930.28. Our parts are manufactured under FAA PMA.
$1,630.28 STC-approved tow hook installation kit for Cessna 150, 152, 172, 175, 182, 210, and others. See AML for full list. This complete kit is for glider towing. It features our improved tow hook which is designed to maximize safety when operating while towing and has better release capabilities than other older models. Price is for kit that includes bolt-on tow hook (6029 hook); kit pricing for tow hook with bumper (6030 hook) is $1,745.28. Our parts are manufactured under FAA PMA.
$19.50 Replacement for stop bumper used on tow hook model 6030 and 6028. Manufactured under FAA PMA.